What was delivered
Big idea campaign
Big idea campaign
1x KTR 2021 Silver
2x KTR 2021 Bronze
Best of Facebook Bronze
1x KTR 2021 Silver
2x KTR 2021 Bronze
Best of Facebook Bronze
The end of a relationship isn't easy. It's hard to forget about a breakup when you have a closet full of your ex's clothes that evoke not only good but also bad memories.
We wanted to show how to get rid of them in a reasonable and environment-friendly way. We created a campaign about three former couples and their struggles with their exes' belongings. Our heroes acted unwisely because of their hard emotions - we showed how to behave more responsibly, keeping in mind the sake of the planet.
Case study
The current fast fashion trend makes people buy compulsively clothes every year, instead of buying more expensive clothes that can be reused from season to season. This implies that millions of tonnes of clothes are trashed every given year to make space for new ones. With their Zalando Pre-owned platform, the brand wants to reduce the amount of clothes that are produced in the world. Zalando Pre-Owned offers the possibility of extending their life for the sake of the planet, guided by the principles of circularity. In this symbolic way, we tried to educate consumers about the effects of getting rid of clothes without keeping to the rules of sustainable fashion.
Interactive Instagram game
One of the main elements of the digital campaign was a game on instastories. We prepared it on the basis of the native instagram function - a swipe to the right. The most natural gesture for social media users. Each person who came across our stories could decide whether the main character would throw away his ex's clothes.
To complete the whole campaign we prepared a photo shoot, which was used in print and digital materials.